Each year college students spend $5.50亿美元买酒,是买书的三倍. 未满21岁的学生喝酒是违法的. Besides breaking the law, many students abuse alcohol, endangering their health and safety. 这种过度饮酒对不饮酒者也是有害的. They suffer from lack of sleep and study time, vandalism, physical assault, unwanted sexual advances and rape. Studies show that alcohol is involved in 95% of all campus violent crimes and 90% of all rapes (alcohol used by the assailant, victim or both). If you drink, you must be over 21 and be responsible – don’t abuse alcohol.

The immediate effects of alcohol depend on how much and how fast you drink and other factors. Effects may include loss of muscle control, poor coordination, 判断力和推理能力受损,丧失自控力. 长期饮酒的后果可能包括脑和肝损伤, malnutrition, personality disorders, increase risk of heart disease, heart attacks, cancers of the liver, mouth, throat and stomach, and alcohol dependency. Nearly half of all fatal vehicle crashes involve someone who has been drinking. 毒品和酒精混合会产生不可预测的危险后果.

非法使用毒品可能导致监禁或其他法律问题. People who use drugs may have automobile accidents, commit crimes, become violent, get sick, lose friends, overdose or become “hooked” (chemically dependent), be expelled from school, have financial problems, or receive poor grades.

“约会强奸药”包括俗称“液体X”的GHB,” Rohypnol with street names “Roofies/Roche,” and Ketamine with street name of “Special K.” They can be put into drinks to cause intense drunkenness and memory loss, leaving you vulnerable to rape and theft. Protect yourself when you are out. Do not leave your drink unattended. Do not drink something you did not open yourself or did not watch someone open. Go with a friend who has your best interest in mind and will look out for you.


  1. Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
    1. Only students who are 21 years of age are allowed to consume alcohol on the Huntingdon College campus.
      1. 只允许在本协议指定的场所饮酒, 或在学院指定的场地举行特别活动.
      2. Alcohol is expressly prohibited in Searcy Hall, Ligon Hall, 以及学院苑(College Court)或美景大道(Fairview Avenue)上的希腊附属房屋.
      3. 不准在十大菠菜靠谱平台内携带酒桶和小酒桶.
      4. 酒精含量超过40%的酒不允许进入十大菠菜靠谱平台.
      5. 如果允许在宿舍里喝酒,就在宿舍里, students who are 21 or older may only consume alcohol inside a residence which includes the living area of a cluster. Open containers of alcohol are not permitted in hallways or residence hall common areas.
      6. 如果在学院球场的学院房子里允许饮酒, Dartmouth Circle, Woodley Terrace, or Fairview Avenue, alcohol must be consumed inside the residence. 不准在门廊或院子里喝酒.
      7. If alcohol policies are violated, a 21-year-old student may lose the privilege of consuming alcohol on campus. Egregious violations of the policy could result in sanctions up to and including expulsion, as determined by the sole discretion of the College.
      8. Public intoxication is a violation of the Huntingdon College alcohol policy and a violation of the Huntingdon College Honor Code.
      9. Supplying minors under the age of 21 with alcohol is a violation of the Huntingdon College alcohol policy, a violation of the Huntingdon College Honor Code, and a violation of state law.
      10. Noise volumes will be monitored.
      11. Alcohol containers should be properly disposed of in a bag and also placed in a trash can. Empty alcohol containers should not be used as decoration in College housing.
      12. Residential communities staff and/or Huntingdon College Security and/or other authorized Huntingdon College employees may check ALL refrigerators, including personal refrigerators and coolers. No probable cause is needed for Residential Communities staff or Huntingdon College Security to inspect an entire house or residential hall room. Inspections of houses and residence halls are at the complete discretion of the College.
    2. Residents of non-Greek College Court houses, Woodley Terrace houses, Fairview Avenue apartments, or Dartmouth Circle:
      1. 如果该物业的所有居民年满21岁, 在任何时候,一个住宅内的啤酒不得超过30瓶, 750毫升的容器中不超过2瓶酒, and no more than 5 bottles (1 box) of wine.
      2. If a student under age 21 lives on the property, each resident who is 21 years of age or older is permitted to have no more than 6 beers and 1 bottle of wine. Liquor may not be possessed in one of the properties unless all residents of that property are 21 years of age or older.
      3. If all residents of a property are 21 years of age, each person in the house may only have one guest at a time with alcohol present (i.e. if it is a 6-person house, the maximum number of people in the house is 12). No guests who are 21 years of age or older should be permitted to consume alcohol unless all residents of the property who are present are age 21 or older.
      4. Individuals who are not 21 years of age should not be present on the property when alcohol is being consumed, 但作为该物业居民的个人除外.
      5. Students who have the privilege of living in these properties and are not 21 years of age may not consume alcohol anywhere on the Huntingdon College campus, including in the residence.
    3. Residents of Blount Hall and Trimble Hall:
      1. A student who is 21 years of age or older is permitted to have no more than 6 beers and 1 bottle of wine in his/her residence. Liquor may not be possessed in Blount Hall.
      2. If all residents of a hotel, suite, or cluster are 21 years of age or older, two guests who are 21 years of age or older may be present while alcohol is being consumed. No guests who are 21 years of age or older should be permitted to consume alcohol unless all residents of the hotel, suite, or cluster who are present are 21 or older.
      3. Individuals who are younger than 21 years of age should not be present in the residence hall when alcohol is being consumed, 除了住在学生宿舍的学生, suite, or cluster.
      4. Students who live in Blount Hall or Trimble Hall and are younger than 21 years of age may not consume alcohol on the Huntingdon College campus or inside their residence.
    4. Possession of narcotic or hallucinogenic drugs and other agents having potential for abuse, except by a physician’s prescription, is strictly prohibited. Huntingdon College is a no tolerance institution. Students may be suspended from the campus immediately and face possible expulsion from the College.
    5. Students who display signs of intoxication (e.g. glazed eyes, slurred speech, unsteady gait, etc.) or students who require staff assistance due to their consumption of alcohol will be assigned community service.
    6. Students may not have any paraphernalia related to alcohol or drugs on campus. Paraphernalia includes, but is not limited to: decorative bottles, bottle caps, coolers, posters, t-shirts, glasses, cups, etc. Recommended sanctions: $50 / confiscated by the Office of Residential Communities till end of year.

The College abides by the laws of the State of Alabama while the student is in the State of Alabama. No student under 21 years of age is allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in the State of Alabama.

The manufacture, possession, consumption, use, sale, and transfer of alcoholic beverages and illicit drugs by any student in connection with or affecting any College-related activity (on campus or off campus), is strictly prohibited Students are subject to suspension or expulsion for a violation of this regulation by themselves or by their guests.

The sale or raffle of alcohol for the purpose of raising funds for projects, etc., is strictly forbidden. Ordering any alcoholic beverage for delivery to a College residence is forbidden. Discordant behavior that results from excessive drinking and that infringes upon the rights of others shall not be tolerated.

Possession of alcohol in violation of campus regulations and/or state law regardless of the offender’s age will be dealt with as a serious violation of College policy. Additionally, alcohol-related behavior that causes physical harm to persons or damage to property or is unreasonably disruptive will be subject to major disciplinary sanctions. Violations of College alcohol regulations will constitute cause for disciplinary action including the possible dismissal from College-operated housing or other disciplinary action considered appropriate by College officials.

Students in violation of Huntingdon College Alcohol and Drug Policy may be referred for prosecution to the State of Alabama. Enforcement of this policy will be the responsibility of the Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Students for Residential Communities and Community Standards, Residence Hall Directors, Campus Security, and all other members of the College.

Additionally, the following supplemental conditions may be included as part of the student’s sanctions:

  • Mandatory counseling referrals;
  • Attendance at alcohol education programs;
  • Community service work;
  • Immediate eviction from campus housing;
  • Monetary fines including restitution; and,
  • Expulsion

To achieve its educational aims, 创造一个有利于身体全面发展的环境, intellectual and personal development of students, the College discourages the misuse or abuse of potentially harmful materials or substances. Huntingdon College does not allow the possession of alcoholic beverages and illegal and unauthorized drugs within the bounds of the campus. Additionally, it echoes the warning of the Surgeon General on the dangers of tobacco usage.

Any student who is found in possession of or using alcoholic beverages on the campus, or who damages property or disturbs others on- or off-campus due to the effects of alcohol may be subject to immediate suspension. Student organizations that violate city, 由学生主任颁布的州或联邦法律或法规, the SGA, IFC, or Panhellenic – whether on- or off-campus – are subject to disciplinary action and a review of their charter and/or campus authorization.

Possession of narcotic or hallucinogenic drugs and other agents having potential for abuse, except on a physician’s prescription, is strictly prohibited. Any student found to be in possession of, using, distributing, manufacturing, or dispensing such drugs may be suspended from the campus immediately and face possible expulsion from the College. Huntingdon College is in full compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226).

Alcohol and Other Drugs and Their Specific Effects

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), this section provides certain information for the use of members of the College community. Included in this section are three subsections:

  • Alcohol and Other Drugs: Their Specific Effects;
  • 酒精和其他药物:非法使用的法律后果;
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs: Additional Resources.


Alcohol is the major active ingredient in wine, beer, and distilled spirits. Alcohol is a “psychoactive” or mind-altering drug, as are heroin and tranquilizers. 它可以改变情绪,引起身体的变化,并成为习惯的形成. Alcohol is called a “downer” because it depresses the central nervous system. 这就是为什么过量饮酒会导致反应减慢的原因, slurred speech, and sometimes even unconsciousness (passing out). 酒精首先作用于大脑中控制抑制的部分. As people lose their inhibitions, they may talk more, get rowdy, and do foolish things. After several drinks they may feel “high,” but their nervous systems actually are slowing down. 一个人不一定是酗酒者才会有酒精问题. Every year, for example, many young people lose their lives in alcohol-related automobile accidents, drownings, and suicides. Serious health problems can and do occur before drinkers reach the stage of addiction or chronic use. In some studies more than 25 percent of hospital admissions were alcohol-related. Some of the serious diseases associated with chronic alcohol use include alcoholism and cancers of the liver, stomach, colon, larynx, esophagus, and breast.


Contrary to the beliefs of many young people, marijuana is a harmful drug, especially since the potency of the marijuana now available has increased more than 275 percent over the last decade. For those who smoke marijuana now, the dangers are much more serious than they were in the 1960s. Preliminary studies have shown chronic lung disease in some marijuana users. There are more known cancer-causing agents in marijuana smoke than in cigarette smoke. In fact, because marijuana smokers try to hold the smoke in their lungs as long as possible, one marijuana cigarette can be as damaging to the lungs as four tobacco cigarettes.

即使是小剂量的大麻也会损害记忆功能, distort perception, hamper judgment, and diminish motor skills. Chronic marijuana use can cause brain damage and changes in the brain similar to those that occur during aging. 对健康的影响还包括心跳加速和, in some persons, 血压升高,动脉硬化. More importantly, there is increasing concern about how marijuana use by children and adolescents affects both their short and long-term development. Mood changes occur with the first use. 在大麻的影响下开车是特别危险的. Marijuana impairs driving skills for at least 4 to 6 hours after smoking a single cigarette. When marijuana is used in combination with alcohol, driving skills become even more impaired.


Cocaine is one of the most powerfully addictive of the drugs of abuse—and it is a drug that can kill. No individual can predict whether he or she will become addicted or whether the next dose of cocaine will prove fatal. 可卡因可以用鼻吸、烟吸或注射. Injecting cocaine—or injecting any drug— carries the added risk of contracting AIDS if the user shares a needle with a person already infected with HIV, the AIDS virus. Cocaine is a very strong stimulant to the central nervous system, including the brain. This drug produces an accelerated heart rate while at the same time constricting the blood vessels, 它们在努力处理额外的血液流动. 瞳孔扩大,体温和血压升高. These physical changes may be accompanied by seizures, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, or stroke. Nasal problems, including congestion and a runny nose, occur with cocaine use, 长时间使用鼻粘膜可能会崩解. Users often report feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety, and cocaine can trigger paranoia. Users also report being depressed when they are not using the drug and often resume use to alleviate further depression. In addition, cocaine users frequently find that they need increasingly more cocaine more often to generate the same level of stimulation. Therefore, any use can lead to addiction. “Crack” is the street name given to one form of freebase cocaine that comes in the form of small lumps or shavings. The term “crack” refers to the crackling sound made when the mixture is smoked (heated). Crack has become a major problem in many American cities because it is cheap—selling for between $5 and $10 for one or two doses—and easily transportable—being sold in small vials, folding paper, or tinfoil.


PCP is a hallucinogenic drug; that is, a drug that alters sensation, mood, and consciousness and that may distort hearing, touch, smell, or taste as well as visual sensation. It is legitimately used as an anesthetic for animals. When used by humans, PCP induces a profound departure from reality, which leaves the user capable of bizarre behavior and severe disorientation. These PCP-induced effects may lead to serious injuries or death to the user while under the influence of the drug. PCP会使一些人产生精神抑郁的感觉. When PCP is used regularly, memory, perception functions, concentration and judgment are often disturbed. Used chronically, PCP可能导致认知能力(思维)的永久性改变, memory, and fine motor function.


Heroin is an illegal opiate drug. 其成瘾性表现为持久性, repeated use of the drug (craving) and by the fact that attempts to stop using the drug lead to significant and painful physical withdrawal symptoms. 使用海洛因会导致身体和心理问题, such as shallow breathing, nausea, panic, insomnia, and a need for increasingly higher doses of the drug to get the same effect. Heroin exerts its primary addictive effect by activating many regions of the brain; the brain regions affected are responsible for producing both the pleasurable sensation of “reward” and physical dependence. Together, these actions account for the user’s loss of control and the drug’s habit-forming action. 吸食海洛因的症状和体征包括欣快感, drowsiness, 呼吸抑制(可以持续到呼吸停止), constricted pupils, and nausea. Withdrawal symptoms include watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, loss of appetite, tremors, panic, chills, sweating, nausea, muscle cramps, and insomnia. Elevations in blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and temperature occur as withdrawal progresses. 海洛因过量的症状包括呼吸短浅, pinpoint pupils, clammy skin, convulsions, and coma.

“Designer Drugs”

通过改变某些药物的化学结构, underground chemists have been able to create what are called “designer drugs” – a label that incorrectly glamorizes them. They are, in fact, analogs of illegal substances. Frequently, 这些药物可能比原来的物质更有效, and can therefore produce much more toxic effects. 卫生官员越来越关注“摇头丸”,” a drug in the amphetamine family that, according to some users, produces an initial state of disorientation followed by a rush and then a mellow, sociable feeling. 然而,我们现在知道,它也会杀死某些类型的脑细胞. These “designer drugs” are extremely dangerous. Taken from Drug-Free Communities: Turning Awareness Into Action (DHHS Publication No. ADM 89- 1562) a 1989 pamphlet distributed by the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information.


The Criminal Code of the State of Alabama includes a description of behavior that would be considered unlawful. The Criminal Code also outlines sanctions that would apply to those guilty of unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. 现提供有关制裁的摘要,以供参考.

  1. Class A felony – Imprisonment for life or not more than 99 years or less than 10 years, a fine of not more than $20,000.
  2. Class B felony – Imprisonment for not more than 20 years or less than 2 years; a fine of not more than $10,000. **
  3. Class C felony – Imprisonment for not more than 10 years or less than 1 year; a fine of not more than $5,000. **
  4. Class A misdemeanor – Imprisonment for not more than one year; a fine of not more than $2,000. **
  5. Class B misdemeanor – Imprisonment for not more than six months; a fine of not more than $1,000. **
  6. Class C misdemeanor – Imprisonment for not more than three months; a fine of not more than $500.**
  7. Violations – Imprisonment for not more than thirty days; a fine of not more than $200. **

**Note: The fine may not exceed this amount or twice the financial gain derived from commission of the crime, whichever is greater.

Drug and alcohol offenses are outlined in Article 1 of Chapter 11 and Article 5 of Chapter 12 of Title 13A of the Criminal Code and a copy of the Criminal Code is retained in the Security Office. The following is a brief summary of illegal behavior related to illicit drugs and alcohol as well as applicable sanctions.

  1. Unlawful distribution of controlled substances. Generally, anyone who sells, furnishes, gives away, manufacturers, delivers or distributes a controlled substance is guilty of a Class B felony.
  2. 非法持有或接收受管制的物质. Generally, anyone who possesses a controlled substance, or obtains such by fraud, deceit, 虚假陈述、诡计或提供虚假信息, is guilty of Class C felony.
  3. Unlawful possession of marijuana in the first degree. Generally, anyone who possesses marijuana for other than personal use on a first offense is guilty of a Class C felony.
  4. 二级非法持有大麻. Generally, anyone who possesses marijuana for personal use only, on a first offense, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
  5. Sale, furnishing, etc.18岁以上的人向18岁以下的人提供受管制物质. Generally, anyone over the age of 18 who sells, furnishes, or gives a controlled substance to a person under the age 18 years is guilty of a Class A felony. Furthermore, imposition or execution of the sentence shall not be suspended and probation shall not be granted.
  6. Trafficking in cannabis, cocaine, etc.; mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment; trafficking in illegal drugs; habitual felony offender act.Generally, anyone who knowingly sells, manufactures, delivers, or brings into this state large quantities of controlled substances (more than 2.2 pounds of marijuana; 28 grams or more of a mixture containing cocaine; 4 grams or more of a mixture containing morphine, opium, or heroin; 1,000 or more pills or capsules or methaqualone; 500 or more pills or capsules of hydromorphone; 28 grams or more of a mixture containing, 4-methylenedioxy amphetamine; 28 grams or more of a mixture containing 5-methoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy amphetamine; 4 grams or more of a mixture containing phencyclidine; 4 grams or more of a mixture containing lysergic acid diethylamide) is guilty of a Class A felony. In the case of trafficking offenses, penalties are specified ranging from a minimum mandatory prison term of 3 calendar years and a $25,罚款至终身监禁,不得假释.
  7. 如果在学校校园内或附近非法销售,将受到额外处罚. An additional penalty of 5 years incarceration in a state corrections facility with no provision for probation will be imposed if the location of an unlawful sale was on the campus or within a three-mile radius of the campus boundaries of any public or private educational institution in the State of Alabama.
  8. Drug paraphernalia; use or possession. Generally, anyone who uses or possesses with the intent to use, any item or piece of equipment in illegal drug-related activity is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
  9. Drug paraphernalia; delivery or sale. Generally, anyone who delivers or sells, or possesses with the intent to deliver or sell, any item or piece of equipment for use in illegal drug-related activity is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor on the first offense and a Class C felony on subsequent violations. Generally, anyone over the age of 18 who violates this regulation by delivering drug paraphernalia to a person less than 18 years of age is guilty of a Class B felony.
  10. Public intoxication. Generally, 在酒精的影响下出现在公共场所的人, narcotics, or other drugs to the degree that he or she endangers self or other person or property, or by boisterous and offensive conduct annoys another person is guilty of the crime of public intoxication, a violation. Ordinances for the City of Montgomery outline certain other behaviors that would be considered unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol. Anyone participating in these activities is guilty of a misdemeanor that is punishable by a fine of $0–500 and/or a period of 1 day to 11 months in jail. Following is a brief summary of behavior related to alcohol that city ordinances identify as illegal:
  11. Generally, it is unlawful for anyone without the appropriate license to sell or dispense alcoholic beverages of any type.
  12. Generally, it is unlawful for anyone to drink, sell, dispense, give away, or attempt to do so upon any street, in any public building, or in any public place in the city. As used in this section, the term “public place” includes any place or gathering which the public generally attends or is admitted to, either by invitation, common consent or right, or by payment of an admission or other charge; except in those cases in which such location is duly licensed by the city.
  13. Generally, it is unlawful for anyone to serve a person under the legal drinking age (21), or allow such a person to be served, 在任何售卖酒精饮料的地方售卖任何酒精饮料.
  14. Generally, it is unlawful for anyone to give or attempt to give to a person under the legal drinking age, or allow such a person to be given, any alcoholic beverage.
  15. Generally, it is unlawful for anyone under the legal drinking age to purchase or have in his or her possession any alcoholic beverage.
  16. Generally, it is unlawful for anyone of legal drinking age to give anyone not of legal drinking age any alcoholic beverage.
  17. Generally, any alcoholic beverage that is seized by the police department in an incident that results in conviction will be considered contraband and destroyed.

The Alabama Code – Section 13A-11-10.1: Open House Parties states that No adult having control of any residence, who has authorized an open house party at the residence and is in attendance at the party, shall allow the open house party to continue if all of the following occur:

(1) Alcoholic beverages or controlled substances are illegally possessed or illegally consumed at the residence by a person under the age of 21.

(2) The adult knows that an alcoholic beverage or controlled substance is in the illegal possession of or is being illegally consumed by a person under the age of 21 at the residence.

(3) The adult fails to take reasonable action to prevent illegal possession or illegal consumption of the alcoholic beverage or controlled substance. (Alabama defines “reasonable action” as “ejecting a person from a residence or requesting law enforcement officials to eject a person from a residence.” Ironically, 法律规定可能醉酒的人必须被赶出去, 从而促进醉酒驾驶或与醉酒司机一起乘车.)

Providing Alcohol to Minors

阿拉巴马州法律严禁以任何理由向未成年人提供酒精饮料. This prohibition extends to parents as well as establishments, such as stores or restaurants. Furthermore, under the state’s “Open House Party Law” adults who allow a party to continue on their property knowing that minors are consuming alcohol at the gathering are subject to criminal liability including up to six months imprisonment. Those who serve alcohol to minors are subject to criminal penalties including a $100 to $1,罚款5,000元及监禁6至12个月(截至2011年).

Additional Resources beyond Huntingdon College

如果你认为你或你认识的人有药物滥用问题, or if you just want more information, here are some places you can go:

Chemical Addictions Program, Inc.
1153 Air Base Boulevard
Montgomery, Alabama 36108


Lighthouse Counseling Center, Inc.
111 Coliseum Blvd.
Montgomery, Alabama 36109

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Council on Substance Abuse
828 Forest Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36106
(334) 262-1629

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